Saturday, March 16, 2024


This page lists my Social Science Research Network (SSRN) working papers addressing the subject of neoliberalism. These papers cover such matters as the arguments over the definition of the term; neoliberalism as a distinct economic model; and the policy record of particular governments which have been strongly identified with neoliberalism.

Defining Neoliberalism
"'What is Neoliberalism? And What Has it Meant?': A Primer." (2021)

"What We Talk About When We Talk About Neoliberalism: Three Dimensions of the Issue." (2022)

"Daniel Rodgers' Critique of the Term 'Neoliberalism': A Note." (2023)

The Policy (and Rhetorical) Record of Governments and Politicians
"Was the Clinton Administration Neoliberal?" (2018)

"Neoliberalism in a Time of Crisis: A Critical Assessment of the Defining Policies of the Obama Administration." (2019)

"'Was Tony Blair's Prime Ministership Neoliberal?': A Survey of British Economic Policy, 1979-2007." (2020)

"'Is Keir Starmer a Neoliberal?': A Note on Keir Starmer's Political Rhetoric." (2021)

Neoliberalism as Economic Model
"Keynesian Fordism and Neoliberal Financialization: A Comparison of Economic Models." (2020)

"Keynesian Fordism and Neoliberal Financialization: A Comparison of Economic Models (A Follow-Up Note on Rent-Seeking)." (2023)

"Keynesian Fordism, Neoliberal Financialization and the Restructuring of the Economy: A Survey of the Data." (2022)

"'Keynesian Fordism, Neoliberal Financialization and the Restructuring of the Economy': A Follow-Up Note on the Question of Profit." (2022)

"Understanding the Endurance of Large States in the Neoliberal Era: Six Theses." (2021)

"Keynesian Fordism's Limits, Aftermath and Legacy: A Note." (2024)

Neoliberalism and Politics
"Keynesian Fordism and Neoliberal Financialization: A Note on the Transition Between Eras." (2021)

"American Neoliberalism: A Note on its Evolving Rationales and the Actualities of its Record." (2023)

"Neoliberalism as a Utopian Project of the Right: A Note." (2023)

"Were the Neoliberals 'Neoliberals' After All? A Note on Charles Peters' 'A Neoliberal's Manifesto.'" (2023)

"Centrists' Stance Toward Neoliberalism's Critics: A Note." (2022)

"Neoliberalism, British Identity, and Brexit." (2020)
"Neoliberalism, Neoconservatism and the Remaking of British Identity." (2022)

"Ecological Catastrophe and the Neoliberal Imagination." (2020)

"Of Singularitarianism and Flying Cars: Our Changing Images of the Future, and Our Changing Economic Models." (2020)

Economic Growth Under Neoliberalism
"The Neoliberal Record: Growth: A Second Look." (2020)

"Keynesian Fordism, Neoliberal Financialization and the Restructuring of the Economy: A Survey of the Data." (2022)

"Investments in Societal Complexity, Diminishing Marginal Returns and Neoliberalism: A Note." (2020)

The Decline of Neoliberalism?
"'The 1990s Are Over': A Note on the Decline of Neoliberalism and the End of Unipolarity." (2022)

"The Decline of Neoliberalism? A Critical View." (2022)

"The 'Decline' of Neoliberalism as Against the 'End' of Neoliberalism: A Note." (2023)

Neoliberalism and the Middle Class
"Keynesian Fordism, Neoliberal Financialization and the Ambiguities of the Middle Class' Fortunes Between the Mid-Twentieth Century and Today: A Note." (2023)

"Keynesian Fordism, Neoliberal Financialization and Quasi-Middle Classness: A Note." (2023)

"Natality, Senescence and the Quasi-Middle Class in the Neoliberal Era: A Note." (2023)

Other Papers on Neoliberalism
"What We Talk About When We Talk About Neoliberalism: Three Dimensions of the Issue." (2022)

"Cryptocurrency as Symbol of the Neoliberal Era: A Note." (2023)

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