Saturday, March 16, 2024


This page lists my Social Science Research Network (SSRN) working papers addressing the subject of deindustrialization in the United States and other countries, particularly the U.S. and Britain.

Most of the papers are concerned with attempts to quantify manufacturing output in various ways (and in cases, other material aspects of deindustrialization susceptible to quantification, like the trend in regard to manufacturing equipment stocks) for the purposes of better understanding the issue.

Deindustrialization (U.S.)
"Discussing Deindustrialization: A Note." (2024)

"'What Do the Numbers Actually Say?': American Per Capita Manufacturing Output 1947-2018, the Consumer Price Index, and the Question of Deindustrialization." (2022)

"'American Per Capita Manufacturing Output 1947-2018, the Consumer Price Index, and the Question of Deindustrialization': A Supplementary Data Set and Associated Notes." (2024)

"Keynesian Fordism, Neoliberal Financialization and the Restructuring of the Economy: A Survey of the Data." (2022)

"Private Fixed Assets, Value Added and the Trade Balance: A Note on the Trends in the U.S. Manufacturing and FIRE Sectors at the Per Capita Level." (2022)

"'What Do the Numbers Actually Say?': A Decade-By-Decade View of U.S. Manufacturing Value Added." (2022)

"The Deindustrialization of Michigan: Notes on the Available Data." (2022)

"The Deindustrialization of Los Angeles? A Note." (2022)

"The Complexities of Deindustrialization: A Note." (2022)

"'Do We Still Make Things in America?': Are Perceptions of Deindustrialization Exaggerated?" (2022)

"Comparative Deindustrialization: A Note on American and British Manufacturing Since the 1970s." (2021)

"Per Capita Manufacturing Output From 1970 On: The United States, Britain, Germany and Japan." (2022)

Deindustrialization (Other Countries)
"Assessing Manufacturing Output Over Time: A Note on The Case of Britain." (2022)

"'Did Margaret Thatcher Destroy British Manufacturing?': A Note." (2021)

"Comparative Deindustrialization: A Note on American and British Manufacturing Since the 1970s." (2021)

"The Deindustrialization of the French Economy: A Note." (2023)

"Per Capita Manufacturing Output From 1970 On: The United States, Britain, Germany and Japan." (2022)

"Is the G-7 Ceasing to be Relevant?" (2022)

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